Two women hugging around the support group circle. | New Direction Family Law

How To Find the Best Divorce Support

Separation & Divorce
Divorce is one of the most stressful life events, often leaving individuals feeling isolated and overwhelmed. Finding the right support will help protect your well-being and interests through the entire divorce process.  From legal assistance to mental health services, this…
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Man sitting on sofa looking out window | New Direction Family Law

When to Get a Divorce Lawyer

Separation & Divorce
A divorce often comes with intense emotions and hard choices. Even though divorce may be the best for your family’s future, you may experience fear about this major life change. It’s important to understand you don’t have to stay in…
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Man in dark room staring intensely.| New Direction Family Law

Episode 48 – Divorcing a Sociopath

Separation & Divorce
Ex-It Strategy Podcast Episode 47 Hosts/Participants: Elizabeth Stephenson, Sarah Hink, Jen Bordeaux Guest: Kerrie Droban Elizabeth: Hi everyone. It’s Elizabeth Stephenson with New Direction Family Law.  Sarah: And I’m Elizabeth’s partner, Sarah Hink, attorney at New Direction Family Law. And…
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Checking wallet for alimony payment money | New Direction Family Law

Do Alimony Payments Ever End?

Separation & DivorceWealth
Alimony, also referred to as spousal support, constitutes a legal obligation where a dependent spouse receives periodic payments from the supporting spouse following their separation or divorce. This financial arrangement can emerge as a substantial and often complex obligation for…
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Illicit Sexual Beavior | Ex-It Strategy

Illicit Sexual Behavior

PodcastSeparation & Divorce
Ex-It Strategy Podcast 3 Hosts/Participants Elizabeth Stephenson, Sarah Hink You can listen to this episode of Ex-It Strategy on Apple | Google | Spotify | Stitcher Elizabeth: Hi everyone. Sarah and I are back. I’m Elizabeth Stephenson. Sarah: And I’m…
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Pros and Cons of Getting a Prenup

Pros and Cons of Getting a Prenup

Separation & Divorce
If you’re getting married, you might be considering a prenuptial agreement, or a prenup. Many couples complete a prenup to achieve security and peace of mind around their assets and debts before marriage. A prenup clearly defines what will happen…
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Divorces on the Rise During COVID-19

Separation & Divorce
We are now over half a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, which has tested many relationships. With family members in an unsolicited, prolonged situation of physical proximity with each other, family lawyers are getting more questions about getting divorced. COVID-19…
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How Separate Property Works

Separation & Divorce
When a marriage ends, property division is an enormous issue that a couple must address to protect their rights and secure their financial future. Classifying and appraising property is no small task and the law can be complex. No matter…
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North Carolina’s Alimony Laws

Separation & Divorce
Alimony, or spousal support, is usually awarded as payments made following a separation or divorce from a “supporting spouse” to a “dependent spouse” for a fixed duration of time. As you can imagine, this is a great source of controversy…
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Spying, Harassment, and Divorce

Separation & Divorce
Separations are hardly ever clean. However, when a marital relationship has issues of control or domestic violence, a separation can dramatically escalating these issues. New Direction Family Law has helped domestic violence survivors for years, and sadly, we have had…
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Steps to Prepare for Your Divorce

Steps to Prepare for Your Divorce

Separation & Divorce
The prospect of ending a marriage is rife with feelings of uncertainty, fear, and discomfort. It is a major life shift and undeniable trauma. However, there are ways to feel more comfortable and confident leading into the divorce process. Some…
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Alimony and a New Partner

Alimony and a New Partner

Separation & DivorceWealth
Alimony payments are intended to financially support dependent spouses after a marriage has ended. These payments recognize the duration of a couple’s marriage, their marital standard of living, the disparity in wealth and opportunity between the spouses, and the numerous…
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