Domestic Violence

Protective Orders

Unfortunately, domestic violence is a fact of life for many families. It can be hard for families to ask for help and move toward a healthy and safe environment and life. The courts in North Carolina are very clear that family violence is not acceptable. Many North Carolina county court systems have courts dedicated to domestic violence and preventing domestic violence and protecting victims.

If you find yourself in an emergency situation or you or your children are in immediate danger, call 911. Law enforcement can assist you in obtaining criminal charges and convictions.

There are also civil remedies for domestic violence, through domestic violence orders of protection. Our family law attorneys can talk with you about your legal rights and options if you are experiencing domestic violence or have an outstanding protective order issued against you. Protective orders can have life-long and life-changing consequences.

We’ve represented clients throughout Wake and the surrounding counties in domestic violence actions.

What Is A Domestic Violence Protective Order?

A domestic violence protective order (DVPO) can be filed in civil court to provide immediate protection if you are in imminent fear that the other party will harm you or your children or if the other party’s actions rise to the level of stalking. We help individuals file DVPOs, and we can help you take immediate action if a DVPO was filed against you.

An array of issues may be addressed in the DVPO hearing, which could affect other court proceedings, including:

  • Temporary child custody
  • Temporary spousal or child support
  • Temporary property distribution such as possession of your home or car

If a domestic violence protective order or a restraining order has been filed against you, immediately consult an experienced lawyer to begin building a defense for your case. The hearing on the DVPO is usually set 10 days after the filing of the petition, so time is of the essence to prepare your defense or counter-complaint.

Contact us to understand the steps you need to take immediately to protect your rights. During your comprehensive consultation, we take the time to answer your questions, understand your concerns, and create a strategy for moving forward effectively. We can be reached through our online contact form or by calling (919) 719-3470.
