Considering Divorce? Your Options for Splitting Up

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  2. Considering Divorce? Your Options for Splitting Up
Splitting Up

If you are considering divorce, you have options for splitting up. There are methods for getting divorced that do not involve a lot of court appearances, if you and your spouse agree on a different setting. You could use the collaborative divorce process, pursue a divorce mediation, or sign a separation agreement that settles many issues relating to your divorce. We suggest that you discuss your options with a knowledgeable local divorce lawyer as you consider splitting up.

Collaborative Divorce

Divorcing couples may want a cooperative method of splitting up. Ending a marriage does not have to be adversarial or cause a breakdown in communication. That is why many couples have started to choose collaborative divorce. This resolution-driven method of breaking up focuses on each spouse’s wants and needs. This can lead to an amicable resolution for the end of your marriage.

The collaborative divorce process involves a mutual discussion about the issues involved in your divorce. You would work with your lawyer and your spouse’s lawyer to cooperatively decide how to handle these issues. The process may include exchanging documents and information, meeting for conferences, and asking professionals to answer specific questions that will influence your discussions.

To move forward with a collaborative divorce, you need to find a trained collaborative divorce lawyer. Our team at New Direction Family Law has the experience and compassion that you need when you decide to collaboratively divorce. Contact us to arrange a consultation about your divorce needs.


Another means of divorcing aside from going to court is mediation. Divorcing couples may opt for mediation because it can be a less confrontational and more informal method of having a neutral third party help you and your spouse decide issues related to the your divorce. Like in court, a mediation involves presenting information about the issues and having the third party  help you and the other party negotiate and reach an agreement on the issues.

Unlike in court, mediations typically take place in an informal setting such as a conference center. The parties may sit in separate rooms and the mediator may move from room to room, or all of the parties may gather in one room for part of the mediation. The mediator’s job is to ask questions and pull out important facts that could influence the parties.

Mediators try to help divorcing couples agree on the issues involved in their divorce. For example, you may need to consider how to divide up your assets and property, how to set up custody arrangements for your children, and how to structure alimony payments. Mediation proceedings are confidential, and any discussions that you have cannot be shared outside the context of the mediation.

If you reach an agreement on some or all of the issues you talk about at the mediation, you will be asked to sign a written contract confirming your agreement, often prepared by your and your spouse’s lawyers. You can use that contract to confirm the details of your divorce with the court and finalize the splitting up process. Talk to a divorce lawyer near you to learn more.

Separation Agreements

Many divorcing couples in North Carolina decide to sign separation agreements as they begin splitting up. North Carolina divorce is not automatic – you must go through a one-year separation period before you can legally end the marriage. A separation agreement is a useful tool to explain the conditions of your separation and decide on some issues that would otherwise come up when you are able to divorce.

If you would like to sign a separation agreement, contact your divorce lawyer or find a local divorce lawyer to prepare one for you. You may need assistance negotiating the agreement’s terms with your spouse as well. Having a lawyer negotiate and prepare the agreement will give you peace of mind that your rights are protected.

Learn More About Your Options for Splitting Up

If you are considering splitting up and ending your marriage, the team at New Direction Family Law is available today to answer your questions. We help clients with collaborative divorces, mediations, and separation agreements in North Carolina. Our attorneys are knowledgeable, effective, and compassionate professionals who can advise on the various issues you face during divorce. We are here to work hard toward your best outcome. Contact New Direction Family Law at (919) 646-6561 to schedule a consultation, or visit us at our website.

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