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Don’t Get Cheated –
Secure Your Financial
Stability Today.

Trusted Alimony Attorneys To Protect Your Future

Don’t Get Cheated.
Secure Your Financial
Stability Today.

Trusted Alimony Attorneys To Protect Your Future

Divorce brings not only emotional turmoil but also financial uncertainty. At New Direction Family Law, we understand the financial challenges you may face during this transition. Our dedicated team specializes in alimony services, providing experienced guidance to ensure your financial stability after divorce.
Icon hands over heart | New Direction Family Law

Why Choose New Direction for Alimony Services?

Experienced Alimony

Our team boasts over 80 years of experience in alimony cases, ensuring your financial interests are protected. We work to relieve your stress by securing what’s rightfully yours.

Tailored Solutions

We recognize that every divorce is unique. Our services are customized to your specific situation and needs.

Dedicated Support

We empathize with the emotional toll divorce can take. Trust us to provide strong, caring, and practical assistance from start to finish.

Legal Proficiency

Our attorneys are well-versed in North Carolina’s alimony laws, ensuring your rights are upheld. With the help of our alimony attorneys, you can be assured your rights and future are protected.

Strategic Negotiation

We aim for efficient resolutions, advocating for fair and sustainable alimony arrangements. Our alimony attorneys negotiate on your behalf so you don’t have to worry.

Our alimony services

Alimony Assessment

Navigate the complexities of divorce with confidence,
knowing our team has your best interests in mind.

Legal Representation

If court intervention is necessary, our attorneys will
fiercely advocate for your financial interests.

Negotiation and Mediation

Our skilled negotiators help you and your ex-spouse
reach fair alimony agreements through mediation.


As your circumstances change, we can assist in
modifying alimony arrangements to adapt to your
evolving needs.

Our alimony services

Alimony Assessment

Navigate the complexities of divorce with confidence,
knowing our team has your best interests in mind.

Legal Representation

If court intervention is necessary, our attorneys will
fiercely advocate for your financial interests.

Negotiation and Mediation

Our skilled negotiators help you and your ex-spouse
reach fair alimony agreements through mediation.


As your circumstances change, we can assist in
modifying alimony arrangements to adapt to your
evolving needs.

Don’t let financial uncertainty overshadow your new chance at life.

Fill out the consultation form below, and our client specialists will promptly reach out to you. Or if you prefer, please call us. Take control of your financial future with New Direction Family Law.
