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Despite our country experiencing a historic health crisis, many of us have legal issues that need to be addressed and resolved. However,some people are delaying moving forward with these important decisions. The COVID-19 pandemic has created a great deal of delay and uncertainty in the minds of people seeking a resolution to legal issues.

Since March, the North Carolina’s Supreme Court has been issuing emergency orders that have allowed courts to conduct emergency hearings, but postpone virtually all in-person hearings. Now, courts are becoming available again and attorneys are available to provide comprehensive consultations to help you explore your options and take the steps necessary for you to safely access North Carolina’s courts. We urge you to reach out to us.

Courts are Back with Extra Safety Precautions

The North Carolina Supreme Court has issued its latest emergency directives, which focus on the safe resumption of court proceedings in person and via the Webex video conferencing service. Part of the focus is on limiting the number of people in the courthouse and courtrooms to people who have business before the courts. Also,

courts are limiting the number of cases heard, are taking morning calendar announcements by Webex, and are limiting their hours of operation.

Notably, one of the safety precautions is that clerks shall issue notices that people who have likely been exposed to COVID-19 are prohibited from entering the courthouse. This includes if a person:

  • has traveled internationally within the preceding 14 days;
  • is experiencing fever, cough, or shortness of breath;
  • has been directed to quarantine, isolate, or self-monitor;
  • has a known exposure to COVID-19;
  • has been diagnosed with COVID-19; or
  • resides with or has been in close contact with any person in the abovementioned categories.

Courts are also available for uncontested hearings via Webex, as well as video hearings in which parties agree that witnesses can appear by video instead of in-person. This is all to provide access to the courts while keeping people safe and preventing the spread of the virus.

While courts are starting to resume modified operations, it will take some time for courts to address a backlog of cases that were postponed for several months. Nevertheless, you should not delay or wait to speak with an attorney if you are considering a divorce or want to resolve a child custody issue. Our attorneys are available today to consult with you, to facilitate alternative dispute resolution, to file legal pleadings, and to schedule hearings to get you in front of a judge as soon (and safely) as possible.

Contact New Direction Family Law

The attorneys at New Direction Family Law are available today to help you with issues relating to child custody or divorce. We can provide you with comprehensive legal advice and a custom tailored plan to help you move forward. You need an effective advocate who can help you navigate these complex issues. If you need help, call New Direction Family Law at (919) 719-3470 to schedule a consultation or visit us online through our website.